Great care is taken to provide an environment in which every student has the opportunity to flourish and be successful in his/her school life.
We are committed to an education both in and out of the classroom which enables the academic, artistic, musical and physical potential of each child so they can thrive and reach their potential.
Our focus is on the academic, physical and psychological behaviours of all students and we offer extensive extra-curricular activities to suit all children that complement work in the classroom.
Smart International School students become independent thinkers and responsible citizens empowered for the future and be ready to take their place in the world.
The school has great traditions and is proud to be a vital part of the local community.
At Smart International Schools We bring up new generations with special traits and unique mind sets. Academic and professional skills are brought to their potentials....

Mrs.Mariam Kalim /School Director

Headmistress’s Revised

We are a network of professionals with passion towards learning, equipped with our philosophy in learning as a whole through delivering education, building character and equipping tomorrow's leaders with the required skills to create a better world through contributing to creating a healthier child with a stable personality...

About Us

- Teaching Technology
- Limited students within every class
- Gamification and Interactive Learning
- Cambridge and Advanced-Ed
- Learning Management Systems
- Character Development Programs and Montessori program

Our Extra-curricular Offering
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